
The Midnight Twins Telepathy Quotes

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“The Midnight Twins”, a work of fiction, written by Jacquelyn Mitchard. “The Midnight Twins” is a mysterious, and suspenseful story that shows and introduces twin telepathy. In this book that I chose to read twins Meredith and Mallory Brynn weren’t very lucky, they faced many unfair events and those events introduced their strengths that they were born with. “The Midnight Twins” was a very understanding and good book to read. In the following paragraphs I will discuss the topic, characters, and conflict. The topic of the book is twin telepathy, telepathy is a type of communication done through your senses. In the book, Meredith and Mallory take on several incidents where they were forced to warn one another when they were in danger using telepathy. For example, when David Jellico tries to kill Meredith but she tells her sister during her soccer game through telepathy and she then is saved by her sister Mallory. These twins also made up their own language when they were babies and they continued to use to use it throughout the book. “Laybite” was a term they used when they wanted the …show more content…

Meredith and Mallory were given a gift that not many people in this world were given, they were identical twins but had very different personalities. These girls were born on two different days, one was Meredith was born at 11:59 on New Year's Eve and Mallory was born at 12:01 on New Year’s day. Meredith is a head cheerleader and very preppy, and Mallory is a jock and likes spending time alone. Her Grandmother Gwenny was a twin also, but her twin sister had passed away when she was younger. The brynn's have a family line of twins that have been passed on through generations. The characters made the moments in this book a lot stronger and more

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