Essay On Senior Citizens

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The Most Frustrating People: Senior Citizens If there is an elderly person in your life, simply a family member or at work, one may be noticing that that person seems often short-tempered, intolerant, and sometimes just plain out rude. For many people with senior citizens in their lives, this can be a very difficult situation to handle. In order to be able to manage communication with senior citizens without upsetting them, one must understand and respect what they are going through. Many fear giving up their independence they are so used to having, and don’t like change. While working at a nursing home, these problems are encountered almost daily. For these reasons, common personalities, patience levels, and advice for the most difficult senior citizens to communicate with: the social butterflies, the forgetful, and the complainers will be described. The first type are the social …show more content…

They are often quite unpredictable what their mood will be and can be more confused on some days than others. The forgetful are typically happy and friendly when they see young faces and enjoy seeing them. It is extremely important to get their food to them as soon as possible or they will most likely leave or wander off, and workers will have to go chase them down to remind them we are having dinner. They do not enjoy waiting and always like to be playing with the silverware or some sort of item to keep them busy. Or on the other hand, they did eat but are convinced they didn’t and will want more food. If this happens, they get angry and frustrated so something small like coffee and a pastry is best to offer them. The forgetful also often bring up random details from their childhood that don’t make much sense at all but one must go along with it because it makes them happy talking about it. Never try to correct them and tell them they are wrong, but instead go along with it and agree. Last but not least, remind them their food will be out

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