The Importance Of Branding In SME

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This chapter will start with a section explaining three phases based on the analysis that I've found to be important for branding in an SME. The following section will present the BTB model I have developed and describe the process in the model. The chapter ends with a final discussion about my thesis and some proposal for future studies. Throughout my study I have investigated what aspects I believe are the most important for a SME, as Konrow, to consider when building and strengthening its brand. Based on the analysis I define three phases which I argue are crucial for branding within SMEs. These are target group, quality and flexibility. The Konrow’s brand case shows that a brand needs unique values to be communicated homogeneously, and …show more content…

A new brand can be also considered as a new product and the first important factor of the brand is to know how to cross the “chasm”. After accepted by the niche market – the innovators and early adopters - the brand needs build a clear vision and to be focused on the first niche at the pragmatist early majority and continuing niche after niche. Focusing on one niche at the time will reduce marketing efforts and monetary resources from the company. Konrow has strong home market identified with low-price devices where I argue that it also possesses great brand power. As mentioned in the Brand Associations paragraph ‎4.6 in other markets the identification can be different as devices colors or the “France” as nation of quality devices. My study has made me believe that, as an SME, it is important to start where the brand is strong and then let the other market segment come naturally. This concept take in consideration of the SME resources and instead of investing a lot of effort in weak markets where the ROI might not be corresponding to the investment made. Instead of a cross canal branding method, which required vast investment, the importance is to constantly have the long-term perspective in …show more content…

From the analysis of the customers (buyer) respondents; for a well-known brand, what can be “acceptable” quality failure, will be unforgivable for a new brand that needs to gain market share. For them, the quality is consider as an integrated part such all other parts of the product and services offered by the brand. In other words the brand needs to gain the costumer’s and consumers’ minds and the first pitfall is confidence that can be reached by communicating the brand’s quality of products and

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