Public Speaking Skills Assessment

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It is said that public speaking is one of the biggest fears in the overall populace. Being able to communicate confidently and evidently is imperative in being a strong correspondent (Compton, Dimmock, Jackson, Thornton, 2017). Self-identifying communication flaws are essential in growth and development. The following information will discuss the valuation of public speaking difficulties.
Skills Assessment
People obtain anxiety from negative interpretations of the unforeseen. During public speaking occasions, I tend to tense up and lose my train of thought. It is a nerve-wrecking feeling to think that everyone is watching your every move. The thoughts racing through one’s mind of saying the wrong thing, talking in circles, or negative …show more content…

He has become a mentor to me and has provided me with online training opportunities. During our weekly one on one sessions, we discuss ways that I can prepare myself in becoming a stronger speaker. He has been coaching me in learning new styles to feel more at ease when I am in front of an audience. It is still an ongoing progress that is likely to take more developmental skills. Practicing is something that I will consistently need until the pressure of failure ceases. Consistent coaching, reassurance, set expectations to mature into becoming a better speaker is vital (Developing, 2007). Taking the initiative in letting my manager know my weakness has built a more united working relationship. Being able to have open conversations and asking for assistance is definitely a step in the right …show more content…

Implementing new techniques to present information confidently can create new openings. Communication lies when both the sender and the receiver can process information soundly with common understanding.

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Compton, J., Dimmock, J. A., Jackson, B., & Thornton, A. L (2017, January 26). Re-thinking Anxiety: Using Inoculation Messages to Reduce and Reinterpret Public Speaking Fears. Retrieved January 18, 2018, from
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