Write Short Story For Pre-Teaching

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Stages: (how you will introduce the activity, set it up with some pre-teaching of language students will need, and the steps of the activity. Think of it as instructions someone could follow if you had to hand the activity to another teacher.) :

Write short story for pre-teaching
Write the sentences on a paper to be written on the board to go with the short story.
Make sure laptop or audio player is working properly for playing the recording.
Pictures can be printed out from the internet. Place on the board when used with the Katherine graduate school recording.


The teacher will share a short story about an experience they had in college. After sharing the story the teacher will write the seven sentences on the board. Three of the sentences need to have the correct words in them. Three of the sentences need to be matched to pictures on the board. The remaining sentence has fill in the blank.Tell the students you will repeat the story as many times as they need. Ask the students throughout the pre-teaching if they want you to tell the story again to help them.
Once the exercises are completed randomly choose a couple students to give a short summary of the story. …show more content…

I was so inspired that I pursued to be a teacher. While I was in college, I spent all my time studying and hardly any time with my friends. I'm glad I was not a typical student who slacked off. I loved English so much I became a teacher and I love every minute of it. I wouldn't change it if I had to do it again. I did take a break for a year from school, and I have to admit, it wasn't easy hitting the books again when I went back. One summer I went to Europe and volunteered and made a lot of friends. I loved the time my student Sarah showed me how to cook her favorite dish she is very talented. I will never forget that time for it has left an

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