Bull and Terrier Essays

  • Pit Bull Terrier

    1149 Words  | 5 Pages

    American Pit Bull Terrier’s, which is their native names are not actually what people say they are to be. In fact, there is a American Pit Bull Terrier right now on the police force in New York, it is the first American Pit Bull Terrier to be on the police force in New York. On estimate 2,800 American Pit Bull Terrier’s are euthanized each day nation wide that is about 1,022,000 American Pit Bull Terrier’s euthanized each year nation wide. In fact, studies show that American Pit Bull Terrier’s are

  • Persuasive Essay On Pit Bull Terriers

    501 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Pit-Bull Terrier, more like Pit-Bull Terror is a ferocious, fearful and fierce breed of dog that can cause harm towards your children, your pets or your family. Pit-Bulls are dangerous breeds of dogs and their population should be minimised to reduce the number of attacks and incidents. In 2012 more than 2500 dog attacks occurred due to Pit-bull terriers, their dangerous traits and behaviours can cause torment and grief to families, if they are violent. Could you imagine your children, your friend

  • Pitbull Terriers: The Wonders Of Pit Bulls

    478 Words  | 2 Pages

    quite understand the “Pit Bull” but soon you will understand. Pit bull is not a breed. It is a generic term often used to describe all dogs with similar traits and characteristics often known to the public as “Pit Bulls”. This essay is for any owners of “pit bull” type dogs such as American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, and pit mixes. Pit Bulls are amazing animals that deserve love and affection just like any other dog. However, remember that Pit Bulls aren’t just any other dog

  • Aggressive Dogs: American Pit Bull Terrier

    377 Words  | 2 Pages

    of puppies that eventually grow into viscous dogs. The three top dangerous breeds of dogs are: American Pit Bull Terrier Selective breeding has resulted in aggressive dogs with incredible jaw strength and a quite destructive bite style known as the "hold and shake." These traits were desired to help the dog inflict the worst possible damage while baiting bulls in the 18th century. Pit Bulls are known to inflict the most serious bite wounds of

  • Pit Bull Terriers Research Paper

    802 Words  | 4 Pages

    Thanh “America pit bull terriers shouldn’t be wiped out of Australia” The increasing number of injuries caused by Pit bulls has prompted drastic action to determine why. In the Courier-Mail article, “RSPCA wants Pit-bull terriers in Australia wiped out after the latest attack”. Dr Huge Wirth who is the RSPCA’s Victorian president put forward a proposal to ban all of the Pit-bull terriers in Australia. Some people

  • Dog Fighting Essay

    1052 Words  | 5 Pages

    Dogs were put against other animals, like bears and bulls, who were either set free or tied up. The fighting of dogs continued all over Europe until England created The Cruelty to Animals Act 1835. This act was intended to stop the mistreatment of animals. They originally had the Cruelty Treatment of Cattle Act 1822 to put a stop to the poor treatment of cattle. The Act of 1835 stated that besides cattle, they would also add “bulls, dogs, bears and sheep”(World Library). Along with a law

  • Pit Bulls Essay

    402 Words  | 2 Pages

    If Pit Bulls are mean it is because there owner treaded them hourbely or they treated them mean. Pit Bulls can only get to 19 inches as an adult. Pit bulls can lock their jaws when the bite into something or someone. A male Pit Bull can weigh up to 35-65lbs and a female can weigh up to 30-60lbsas an adult. The colors of a pit bull are black, white, red, gray, fawn, brindle , blue, brown, and tan,. Pit Bull or Pitbull terriers, are beautiful they are athletic dogs the like to play fetch, and they

  • Why We Should Pitbulls Be Banned

    445 Words  | 2 Pages

    The pit bull is a breed of dog with a reputation that has been skewed by misrepresentation of evidence and flat out lies. The pit bull has no inherent dangerous characteristics and banning it would make no progress in safety. It is common knowledge that all animals are controlled by their instincts. Dogs may bite or growl at a person to warn them, but if a person doesn’t listen to that warning, it is the person’s fault. Banning pit bulls will not change an animal’s natural instinct and make people

  • Should Pit Bulls Be Banned Essay

    775 Words  | 4 Pages

    Should American Pit Bull Terriers be Banned? Friendliness, intelligence, obedience and loyalty are some of the characteristics people consider when choosing the right dog breed for them. The American Pit Bull Terrier was once America’s ideal family dog. However, over time, their reputations have changed for the worse. Pit Bulls are strong and fast, which made them ideal candidates for dog fighting. Once they were tied to the word “fight,” movies started to use Pit Bulls in scenes with violence

  • Argumentative Essay On Puppy Mills

    853 Words  | 4 Pages

    Puppy mills areis toxic to everyone around them because they continuously breed sick puppies. Dogs are being forced to reproduce until they can no longer give birth. Their puppies then end up being sick and only last about nine9 days or less. These reasons are why puppy mills needs to come to an end. Puppy mills areis obviously owned by peoplesomeone who haves no heart for animals. There are several dogs who have been in cages their whole entire life. They have never felt soft grass in between their

  • Pit Bulls Literature Review

    801 Words  | 4 Pages

    Stereotypes     Contrary to population beliefs in society, Pit Bulls not as aggressive than they are thought to be. According to testing by The National Canine Temperament Testing Association, Golden Retrievers, Poodles, Border Collies, English Setters, and a number of many other breeds are considered more likely to become aggressive than the breeds known as Pit Bulls. While the average score these dogs tested 82.4 percent, Pit Bulls scored a 86.5 percent (Frosek). In the same testings, Golden Retrievers

  • Pit Bulls Fair Research Paper

    843 Words  | 4 Pages

    against pit bulls fair? According to BSLcensus.com 's map, breed specific legislation (BSL) is a law that is currently being enforced in twenty- nine states of the United States. Breed specific legislation is a law that bans or restricts certain dog breeds that are deemed vicious, dangerous, or aggressive towards humans and other animals. The breed of dog that the law mainly concentrates on is the "pit bull". Many dog lovers, pit bull owners, or just dog owners in general feel that the pit bull should

  • Pit Bulls Essay

    677 Words  | 3 Pages

    Should Pit bulls be considered a danger to society? Some believe that pit bulls are inherently violent and need to be regulated. Maybe its because of their varied history, physical aspects, temperament, and even their breed. Whatever the reason theses dogs have always seemed to possess a negative reputation. But not everyone agrees with the dogs regrettable image, these people strongly believe that no dog is naturally violent and aggressive. They are wholeheartedly convinced that any neglected animal

  • Speech About Pitbulls

    1343 Words  | 6 Pages

    Pit bulls are Misunderstood Some might not know this, but a person is 60 times more likely to be killed by a coconut than a Pit bull.The Pit bull is the dog know as the Bully breed. Most people think of Pit bull and associate them with aggression, dog attacks, and death. A myth that keeps going around is their jaws; people say that they have a locking jaw, but there is no difference between them than any other dog. The common perception about Pit Bulls is wrong due to their history, biased media

  • Persuasive Essay On Breed Specific Law

    604 Words  | 3 Pages

    and 937 cities in the United States that implement Breed-Specific Laws. ASPCA reported that regulated breeds typically comprise the “pit bull” class of dogs, including American Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and English Bull Terriers. Also, depending on the city or state, there might be restrictions on breeds such as German Sheppard, Doberman, Bull Mastiff, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Chows, Rottweilers, or any breed that resembles these type of dogs. According to ASPCA, there is no evidence

  • Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned Essay

    1838 Words  | 8 Pages

    Pit bulls, should we ban them? You may know the American Pit Bull Terrier’s have been to bred to fight but this is not true. Pit bulls were not bred for fighting they were bred to work and herd cattle. They only got their bad reputation as fighting dog because of the owners who trained them to be mean and aggressive. Now people want to ban the all Pit Bull mixes or any dog that could be mistaken for a Pit Bull. But by using breed specific legislation would be wrong because you would be taking

  • Why Pitbulls Are Misunderstood Summary

    595 Words  | 3 Pages

    Reasons why pit bulls are Misunderstood”,Kristina Pepeko, in Science Daily, states that there are 5 myths to the reason why Pit Bulls are misjudged. According to this article many people take information that they have heard and change it into the wrong prospective. A “Pit Bull's behavior is based on the way their owners raise them not just their breed. “Pit Bull” is actually a generic term applied to various breeds including the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Blue Blood

  • Research Paper On Pit Bulls

    290 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Pit bull” is not a breed. It is a broad term often used to describe dogs with similar characteristics and traits. Because of irresponsible owners and the media, many people are misinformed about pit bulls. Not everything said about pit bulls is true so it is important to know the facts instead of making assumptions. From the 15th century to the 21st century, the views on pit bulls has changed drastically. As an owner of a pit bull myself, I’d like to inform people about some of those views and compare

  • Should Pitbulls Be Banned

    562 Words  | 3 Pages

    Should pit bulls be banned Have you ever wondered why people think that pitbulls are so bad and how they are vicious animals? There are even some people trying to ban pit bulls. Is that even reasonable? Do pit bulls really put that much of a threat on people. They are just a dog there are alligators and other venomous snakes that are killing people and they aren 't banning them or doing harm to them. Pit bulls should not be banned because there are a lot of myths and people not caring of them properly

  • Essay On Pitbulls

    1388 Words  | 6 Pages

    organization, dedicated to rescuing pit bulls, says, “I’ve always wanted to help the "underdog" and they are a super personable, highly friendly, affectionate and misunderstood breed.” She says that her pit bulls are loving, loyal, and silly dogs. If that is the truth, then why have pit bulls been giving such a bad reputation? Before we get into the current news, the history of the pit bull should be covered first. For those of you that aren’t aware, pit bulls aren’t one specific breed, but more of