Fundamental human needs Essays

  • Carl Jung Personality Analysis

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    Personality is explained by psychologists as a person’s patterns of thinking, emotion, and behavior. Our personality refers to who we are, and who we will become. It is our talents, values love, hate and habits that make us unique to every other person. The explanation of our personality is explained by early social science and humanities theorist who contributed to the studies of psychoanalytic, trait, humanistic, behaviorist and social learning. One of these theorists was Sigmund Freud’s theory

  • Arnold Gesell's Theories Of Teaching And Learning

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    1.0 Introduction As everyone knows, a child’s growth and development can be divided into five stages which are infancy, early childhood, childhood, early adolescence and adolescence. Each stage has own level of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral aspect. It is important for teachers to know as it is useful for them to plan activities that are suitable for different level of students. Therefore, teachers should get more knowledge on children that are at different stages. 2.0 Theories

  • Functional Leadership Theories

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    which one of the two or both plays a role in human behaviour to be a leader. Situational leadership theories suggest that although leaders have their own personalities and characteristics, until the right situation arises, actions are not highlighted. Nelson Mandela

  • Colorism In Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God

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    In Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, the long-lasting effects of slavery have taken a toll on Janie Crawford. Janie’s grandmother was raped by her master and had a child named Leafy. Leafy, although not born into slavery, endured a similar fate, which led her to run away, leaving her mother to raise her child, Janie. Janie’s appearance, showing strong European features, was both praised and shamed by society. This double standard was created by racism and was able to remain present

  • The Importance Of Social Efficiency In Education

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    meaning children create their own learning experiences appropriate for their developmental maturity and according to their own pace. Important to realize, this places teachers in the role of a facilitator. Teachers must observe and analyze student needs and interests, set up the environment, and then flow between student and environment to assist student learning. Consequently, students are provided a carefully planned menu of activities that they can choose from. One element unique to learner Centered

  • Confidentiality In Social Work

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    take any legal actions towards the social worker or the agencies. This agreement also can remind the social workers that they cannot freely disclose the information without any necessities. The social worker need to ask the clients’ permissions before sharing the information. If social workers need to disclose the information, they have to know what information can and cannot or should and should not be shared. Always remember to consider why it is important to share the info and is it necessary to share

  • Carkhuff's Model Of Counselling

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    The counsellor plans an intervention for the client as well as personalises the problem and goal. The client will be able to understand the path that he wants or needs to from the process of self-exploration. The counsellor summarised the issues and situation faced by the client and when the counsellor is assured that the client agrees with the summary given, appropriate goals and plans will be formulated for the

  • Professional Experience In Nursing

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    These procedures include NGT feeding, tracheostomy care and complicated wound dressings. With all of the procedures and paper works that a nurse needs to accomplish in their allotted shift, they can still manage to smile, be calm, and work efficiently even if they are under pressure. I have carried those traits during my work as a CNA. I experienced having __ patients and I have one nurse with me

  • Nursing Assistant Career

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    CNA, with my uncle who has MS. When I was helping her was when I noticed that becoming a nursing assistant will be my long-term job. I have learned so much from my mother and other CNA’s. I want to continue my education, so I can help the people in need. This paper will explore the job description, requirements, and salary expectation, including the path for a nursing assistant. First, the job for nursing assistant includes

  • The Themes Of Slavery In Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

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    Invisible Man, a novel by Ralph Ellison, focuses on a nameless narrator who tells of his life story. The story starts off in the South and eventually leads to the North when he enters college. Throughout the novel, many important changes to the Narrator are noted and can be easily noticed by a change in attitude or perspective. The first of these many changes comes in the form of innocence into lustfulness. He experiences this change while forced to watch a naked white woman perform a dancing act

  • The Pros And Cons Of Diversity In Society

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    In the last few years, the world has been growing more than ever towards the cosmopolitan ideology. This is the result of ethnic heterogeneity, like racial and ethnic backgrounds, religion, culture and ability in a community of people, which continues to play a part in an individual’s or a country’s development. Such growth in variety has its pros and cons. The strengths of a diverse society are cognizance of humanity and ethnic cohesiveness. A flaw would be the possible making of a divided nation

  • Big Five Trait Taxonomy

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    is about the extent to which people are comfortable in social relationships, how socially inhibited, and the extrovert who is comfortable in social relationships and socially uninhibited. Tallman and Bruning (2008) stated that extroverts’ need for power and recognition may also cause them to take more risks in the job and they would expect the organization to support their work activities. Besides,

  • Child Welfare Paper

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    The child welfare in the United States is another role for many social worker diversity position for the well being of children. The child welfare system in the United States is a nonstop job in which role shift in optimizing family protection and child safety. In 1997 the law and process for adoption and continues advocacy for the safety of the family changed the background of child welfare practice. The purpose of the law is connected safety through a process and demonstration on how each factor

  • Communication And Counselling Skills: The Four Aims Of Counselling

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    and counselling skills are some of the critical skills that a counsellor has to cultivate to effectively influence change in a client. In the present day, counsellors are exposed to extremely diverse populations with an even more diversified set of needs. A counsellor who hones and builds the essential skills needed will make a successful practitioner. According to Girill, the basic counselling skills include connecting, observing, empathising and communication unbiasedly and neutrally with the client

  • Abraham Maslow's Pyramid Case Study

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    Abraham Maslow suggested that there are different levels regarding a person’s needs. According to him, these needs only become important when they are not being met. Maslow said that people could move up a level once their needs were being met to a satisfactory standard. He presented, what was called, the hierarchy of needs in the shape of a pyramid. In Sarah’s case, she has difficulty doing most of her daily activities on her own and struggles to prepare food for her children. As a result of this

  • Reflective Practice In Teaching

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    processes. Next is the naturalist intelligence it is the ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature. And lastly is the existential intelligence it is the sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence such as, what is the meaning of life? Why do we die? And how did we get here? And many

  • Multiple Intelligence In Nursing

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    critical judgment and knowledge development in nursing (Meunier, 2003). The experimental model for reflective decision making is mainly grounded and matched from holistic clinical contexts and holistic patient centered care where it is delivered. This needs nurses to apply wide range of practical, observational, emotional and interpersonal skills, that is not restricted to scientific research and theory whereas applicable to patient care. Such holistic observation of reflective decision making is often

  • Virginia Henderson's Nursing Theory: The First Lady Of Nursing

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    for the nurse to make sure that the patient has a good death.” She defined the patient as someone who needs nursing care, but did not limit nursing to illness care. Her theory presented the patient as a sum of parts with biopsychosocial needs and the mind and body are inseparable and interrelated. Henderson considers the biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual

  • The Movie Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

    1470 Words  | 6 Pages

    Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is the positive psychology theory or concept which was observed in The Blind Side movie. It is about the five basic human needs that have been exhibited in the shape of a pyramid. These needs must be met with the end goal for individuals to feel fulfilled in life. The lower needs the more pervasive, the higher needs the more tenuous and more easily overwhelmed by the influence of lower needs. This five-stage pyramidal shape of model can be separated

  • Robert Merton's Structural Strain Theory

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    and the institutionalized means of achieving them mean. In the modern society, the common cultural goal is to be ecnomically successful. And by successful, we mean attaining wealth that will enable us to afford at least the basic neccessities that we need to go about living our daily lives, like food and shelter. The more successful a person is, the more wealth he attains and hence, he is able to afford more than just neccessities. To put it simply, the more wealth a person has, and then he is considered