Spanking Essays

  • Spanking Argumentative Essay

    573 Words  | 3 Pages

    Would you say that spanking is appropriate? Many people say yes, because it has been used as a means of punishment for so long; however, more and more people are beginning to realize that corporal punishment may lead to even more problems in the future. Many factors can contribute to your opinion on spanking, such as your ethnic group and religion. For example, African Americans and people who translate the bible literally are more likely to use spanking as a means of punishment (206). There are

  • Why Spanking Is Wrong

    758 Words  | 4 Pages

    Spanking Makes a Parent Wrong, Not a Misbehaved Child Despite being commonly practiced throughout society, spanking remains a highly controversial topic. Spanking is analogous to abuse in nature- it involves inflicting pain (usually by hand) onto the rear of a child in response to socially unacceptable behavior. A 2013 study conducted by The Harris Poll revealed horrifying statistics that eighty-one percent of Americans believe it is “sometimes appropriate” to spank their children (Corso) in order

  • Essay On Spanking Children

    1402 Words  | 6 Pages

    Parents may be teaching their children that violence is a solution to issues by implementing spanking to rectify inadequate behavior. Still to this day this has continued to be a relevant topic since improper parental methods have led to children developing harmful and traumatic characteristics. Having children is a serious decision that should not be made lightly. Being a parent guardian requires one to provide the finest care and protection for a child. Since the 18th century, corporal punishment

  • The Pros And Cons Of Spanking

    500 Words  | 2 Pages

    Spanking is a form of discipline that parents use towards their children when they are doing something that is deviant. However there are both pros and cons when it comes to spanking a child. A study done by Murray Strauss was conducted to see if spanking increased antisocial behavior in children. A total of 807 mothers, with children ages 6 to 9, were chosen in the study (Strauss, Sugarman, & Giles-Sims, 1997). The results showed that 45% of mothers that spank their children do it around 2.1 times

  • Persuasive Essay Spanking

    1174 Words  | 5 Pages

    Generations: Should Spanking Be Outlawed? Have you ever talked back to your parents? Hit one of your siblings? If you have, there’s is a 4/5 chance that you have been spanked at one point or another. Spanking is one of the many ways in which parents, all over the planet, discipline their children. Now, many people think spanking is crude and vile, while producing little to no results, and should therefore be illegal in the United States. Potential effects of severe spankings include antisocial behavior

  • Different Forms Of Spanking

    1004 Words  | 5 Pages

    Spanking remains a common childrearing practice in Western culture. For generations, corporal punishment has been viewed as an important approach of discipline to ensure appropriate etiquette in children. Elizabeth T. Gershoff, a psychologist from the University of Texas, claims, “Roughly fifty percent of the parents of preschoolers in the United States use corporal punishment as a regular method of disciplining their children. By the time American children reach middle and high school, eighty-five

  • Essay On Spanking Children

    1200 Words  | 5 Pages

    Spanking children has been a parenting practice in effect for a very long time. In fact, it’s difficult to remember a time when children were not punished for what parents consider to be bad behavior. While spanking may be considered a way to discipline children, there are a plethora of harmful effects that arise from the practice. The harmful side effects resulting from physical punishment include violence, the infliction of emotional stress and miscommunication or misunderstanding. Primarily, violence

  • The Negative Effects Of Spanking

    580 Words  | 3 Pages

    Spanking, is it really child abuse or a form of discipline for your children. Many people are misled with the term spanking and think that spanking is abuse because you are hurting your child, however that is not the case; the term spanking is the act of slapping, especially on the buttocks as a punishment for children. Abuse have a completely different definition it is use to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse. Spanking is a way of discipline used to better your child for the future, to make

  • Summary Of Is Spanking, No Problem

    1042 Words  | 5 Pages

    Is Spanking A Problem Solver? Today's day and age parents try to steer clear of spanking their children and try a more modern approach on parenting trying to give a positive discipline. But does that solve everything? In this article “No Spanking, No Time-Out, No Problem” Alan Kazdin uses several elements throughout this article. A few that stood out were Issues on discipline, Style using tone words to describe his feelings, and Characterization giving his point of view of bad behavior. Firstly

  • Argumentative Essay On Spanking

    910 Words  | 4 Pages

    In today 's society, we tend to be about change, trying to find alternatives for anything we suspect the worst. We try to find alternative ways of eating, exercising, healing, etc. Spanking has become an act that many want to find an alternative to, with people relating spanking to abuse, and that spanking could be the worst possible thing in this world because, "developmental researchers have come to the conclusion, not always supported by research, that hitting their children under the guise of

  • Spanking Persuasive Speech

    954 Words  | 4 Pages

    Spanking is a type of physical punishment involving the act of striking another person to cause pain, generally with an open hand. More severe forms of spanking, such as switching, paddling, belting, caning, whipping, and birching, involve the use of an implement instead of a hand. Parents tend to spank their child to discontinue an undesired behavior. Throughout history there have been many forms of punishment, such as spanking, grounding, and timeouts. However, have you ever thought about the

  • Spanking Persuasive Essay

    494 Words  | 2 Pages

    As one of the children from around the world that was once a victim of spanking and as a science major and hopefully a future doctor, I must say that I am torn on the topic of spanking. My research has led me to different opinions on spanking, it has taught me the good use of spanking in child’s discipline which many adults have tried to convince me of several times. My research also showed me how spanking can lead to the destruction of a child by damaging a child’s brain and making them prone to

  • Essay On Spanking In Children

    465 Words  | 2 Pages

    seventy-five studies conducted by Elizabeth T. Gershoff and Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, spanking is detrimental to a child’s development. There are many known negative effects of spanking children that affect a person from childhood through adulthood. The only positive outcome of spanking that was discussed in this study was more immediate compliance from children. It is no wonder that the effectiveness and appropriateness of spanking is commonly debated in today’s society because eighty percent of children in

  • Spanking: A Rhetorical Analysis

    2081 Words  | 9 Pages

    Spanking has been used for years to show kids right from wrong. Over the years, studies have been conducted to see the true harms and effects of what spanking really does to a child. There are two articles for spanking written by Matt Walsh and Robert Larzelere, and one article against spanking written by Murray Straus. Larzelere, Straus, and Walsh argue whether parents should spank their children as a form of punishment by using credibility, logos, and pathos. Introducing the first article is

  • Spanking Research Paper

    1380 Words  | 6 Pages

    Spanking is a form of corporal punishment that is commonly used to discipline children all around the world. This form of punishment typically consists of an adult striking the child’s bottom or hand as a reaction to unwanted behavior. There are many arguments that are made on whether a child should be spanked or not, many people tend to believe it’s fair while other believe it’s simply wrong. A growing body of research has shown that spanking and other forms of physical discipline can pose serious

  • Spanking Annotated Bibliography

    1219 Words  | 5 Pages

    I chose to research is spanking considered child abuse? Spanking has been a debated topic for a long time. Many people believe corporal punishment is child abuse, and some believe spanking is a way of instilling right from wrong in a child. I personally believe spanking is okay to an extent, meaning you keep a level head. Corporal punishment has been around for many years. Older generations believe spanking is the way to go and it was acceptable. Now studies show spanking effects the child and their

  • Is Spanking Allowed In America Essay

    957 Words  | 4 Pages

    Is Spanking Allowed in America? I was born and raised in Vietnam with Vietnamese culture and ideas while my husband was born and raised in the United States of America with an almost complete opposite set of ideas and culture. When we married, we knew there would be some problems and one of the biggest problems is how to raise 2 year old child who is the poster child for “terrible twos”. I want to discipline my child by spanking her to teach like I was raised in Vietnam by my family. However, my

  • Spanking Is Good For Children Essay

    1249 Words  | 5 Pages

    household things would begin to get out of control and become chaotic. So some parents choose to use spankings as a form of discipline. I think that spanking is necessary in raising children. In my household spanking was enforced for my siblings and I when we were younger, it was to teach us what’s right from wrong. Spanking is a disciplinary action where children can learn from it. Many oppose spanking as a form of discipline because psychologists, therapist, counselors plus many others have researched

  • Essay On Spanking Your Children

    787 Words  | 4 Pages

    When I was a child, I can never remember my parents even spanking me. Of course we would get punished, but it would never result in spanking. Over the years there has been a lot of talk about spanking your children. Whether it is for a punishment, or just because you thought spanking them would be teach them a lesson. A lot of studies have been done to get to the bottom of whether or not spanking your children could lead to greater disadvantages when they are older. Throughout my essay I want to

  • Argumentative Essay: Spanking For Love

    1507 Words  | 7 Pages

    Spanking for love In September, 2014, CBS Houston reported that Adrian Peterson, a Vikings football player, beat his 4-year-old son with a tree branch that summer. The beating left wounds and welts on the child’s body. Later on, the star running back was indicted on child abuse charges and subsequently deactivated for Minnesota Vikings’ second week game against New England Patriots. Although Adrian has avoided jail time in child abuse case, he yet faced a suspension by NFL Commissioner for the remainder