Writing Skills In Think Aloud

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In this chapter the observer presents background of study, formulation of the research problem, the objective of study, the research significance, and the limitation of study.
Research Background
It is universally known that writing is a communicative tool, whether to speak a thought and an idea. According to Carrol (1990), Writing provides a relatively permanent record of information, beliefs, opinions, feelings, arguments, explanations and even theories. Therefore, every learner and worker needs to master the writing skill in order to communicating their idea through words. Mastering the writing skills means know how to formulate words, how to compose sentences, how to organize ideas and carry out the massage.
It is assumed that students …show more content…

According to Charters (2003), think aloud strategy is a research method in which participants speak aloud any words in their mind as they complete a task. By using think aloud, we could see the process of solving problem and the thinking process of people. Thus, the difference of writing aloud with other model teaching writing is placed in think aloud strategy that used in writing aloud. According to Kindegraten (2005), writing aloud is the teacher scribes and provides full support by thinking aloud and modeling what a proficient writer does, thus demonstrating the process of putting thoughts and feelings into written form. By observing this process, students learn that even proficient writers make mistakes, and that all work can be revised or …show more content…

Practically, this study contributes the information about students’ perception in writing aloud in developing students writing for those who are taking the same research. It also helps the teachers to assess the individual of each student’s writing and developing students writing or help students to writing toward The Advantages of Think Aloud Strategy in writing aloud.
The Limitation of The Study
The limitation of this research is to find out students perception on writing aloud strategy which use teacher in class writing in order to developing their writing ability. The perception relates to the implementation of the writing class. The limitation is only for students who were placed the entire writing class program. They are students in sixth semester. The students’ perception will deliver by some sub topic. They are students’ perception on writing aloud, students’ perception about the aim and advantages of writing aloud, the perception of developing students writing through writing

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