Personal Essay: The Importance Of Communication Skills

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Communication skills are skills used in order for things to be understood clearly and simply. Communication skills are very important in formal settings such as work or school so that people can understand what they are supposed to do. It helps if you know your audience when you are explaining to them.

Roadblocks to communication are things that can stop you from having an effective conversation. Ordering, threatening, judging, and shaming are all examples of things that might make your conversation with someone not be effective. These might make someone feel invalid or make them afraid to tell you something.

Personally, I need to improve my attitude and communication skills. I am a very pessimistic person, so recently I have been trying to stop myself from only thinking of the bad things. When it 's easiest to be pessimistic is when you need to try your hardest to be optimistic or all of the bad thoughts will take over your mind. Always look for the silver lining …show more content…

Being mentally healthy is just as important as being physically healthy. If your mind isn 't healthy you can just shut down and it may be hard to do even the simplest of things. I stay mentally healthy by occasionally taking time to do what I want to. If you are stressed out all the time your mind is not healthy. I will either hang out with my friends and family or just be by myself. If entirely necessary I will stay out of school for a day and work on my current work so that I can calm down a little. There is a difference between actually needing to stay home and using your mental health as an excuse to stay home, though. Only stay home from important things if you truly need to take time for your mind. As for my physical health, I am a very lazy person and I don 't really like to exercise, but one exercise that I am always up for is dancing. I really love to dance, whether it 's at home in my room or in a dance

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