Social Classroom Reflection

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Furthermore, changes could be noticed in the classroom atmosphere in the recorded reflective journal where the numbers of students that actively participate in the classroom discussion were significantly increased. In the beginning of the study, the ESL classroom is only dominated by few students while the rest tend to be invisible. After the treatments given, the students were more confident in speaking English and majority of the students were willing to share their ideas in English with the class. Even the quiet students were motivated in expressing their view on their friends’ comments in the classroom discussion. Besides that, some of the students have gained high level of confidence in speaking where they stand up and provided another example to support or differ from the point discussed earlier by their friends. The data collected reveals that the teacher by providing the students a more relaxing learning atmosphere encourages the students to participate more in the class. The …show more content…

The students have shown remarkable changes in their perceptions and attitudes toward English speaking after the treatments. Stornes et al (2008, as cited in Pritchard and Wooland, 2010) emphasized that social classroom structure has impact on the motivational climates. Last but not least, the implementation of advertisement-oriented lessons (social classroom structure) has positively impacted on the motivational climates.

4.3 Summary
In a nutshell, the findings suggested that advertisement is indeed an effective teaching material in engaging the students to English speaking. Students have benefited from the advertisement-oriented lessons in many ways specifically in their speaking ability and their learning atmosphere. Next chapter will discuss about the implications and recommendations of this

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