Education: A Positive Impact On The World

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Imagine not having a classroom, no books, no teacher to teach, nothing. Many children in countries such as Afghanistan, Togo, and Ethiopia have to deal with not being able to access a good quality education. Education, unfortunately, is not accessible, possible all around the world. Some may say that developing countries should educate their own people. No matter what part of the world someone is from, everyone should have an equal opportunity to learn. Did you know that twenty percent of young people in developing countries fail to complete primary school and lack skills for work? These children are unable to access basic qualities of education that we have. Education has a big and positive impact on a person’s life, and it should not be taken for granted. Furthermore, education has a positive effect overall on the society. Educating children can have an incredible impact on society, lifting families and communities out of poverty, improving on how it can help children be exposed to something that can help them throughout their life. One reason why children in developing countries should be able to access a basic education is that improving basic education is an effective way of helping nations overcome poverty. If children are not able to get an education and are in poverty, they will most likely resort to bad behavior and would most likely resort to crime. Education is a key factor in reducing and preventing poverty. When developing countries have this education,

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