The Impact Of Motivation On Employee Performance

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The chapter will review the impact of motivation on employee performance and will be given an in-depth analysis. Various aspects surrounding paradigm in motivation and its relation to worker performance. The research will allow for location of literature from a variety of sources.

2.2 Overview of Motivation

Motivation should be viewed as a continuous and dynamic process of activating and building the workforce of an organization. The foundation of this chapter gives the meaning and definition of motivation i.e. the conceptual definitions of motivation. The section also gives an overview of some special motivation techniques, as well as theoretical framework on motivation.

Various authors have different meanings and definitions as pertains …show more content…

Douglas T. Hale and Khahil Nougain did not find strong evidence of hierarchy. They found that as managers advance in organizations, their physiological and safety needs tend to decrease in importance and their need for affiliation esteem and self-actualization tend to increase. They insisted, however, that the upward movement and the need for prominence resulted from upward career changes and from the satisfaction of lower order needs Mullins, (1996). Man’s behaviour is seen as dominated by his unsatisfied needs and he is a perpetually wanting animal; for when one need is satisfied, he aspired for the next higher one. This, therefore, should be seen as an ongoing activity. What Maslow’s theory seems to be silent on, is the time frame upon which these needs are satisfied making it difficult to establish at what point the individuals get satisfied and start being productive for the sake of the organization. Nevertheless, Maslow’s theory has provided a useful framework for the discussion of the variety of needs that people may experience at work, and the ways in which their motivation can be met by managers and this will serve as an useful guide to this research Mullins, …show more content…

An enabling environment has to be created for a worker to discharge his or her duties well. Deprival of environmentally friendly factors leads to serious dissatisfaction.

Much of what influences an employee’s working environment includes among others shelter, commuting, office environment and employee-employer relationship. It makes sense that people that are happy with their working environment/conditions will work far more 14 effectively and happily than those who are uncomfortable. It, therefore, makes sense to consider certain aspects of employee workspace quite carefully (Cole, 1997).
2.5 Motivational

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