Essay On Insurance Profession

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This week’s reading is parallel to my current profession, things that I do daily at my job. While reading the content, especially the insurance part, I was reminded of the advice that I offer to family, friends, and clients regularly. I would never want to sound like your typical salesman, in fact I make it a point not to; but my number one concern is that the people I love and care for are adequately and appropriately covered. I always try to provide my clients with all of the knowledge up front so that they can make their best decisions based on their individual or family needs. As an insurance agent, I am not as equipped to do someone’s taxes, even though I do my own through TurboTax. However, I am happy to assist in advising to save receipts …show more content…

Insurance and insurance sales are basically my whole life, for the past four years at least. This is my area of expertise and insurance means more to me than it does to most others. Insurance is my livelihood; it is how my bills are paid and how my life goes on. So when people are purchasing insurance from me, they are paying my utilities, my tithes, or another need that I may have. However, this is not the only importance of insurance. You are required by law to purchase automobile insurance, also by car lots and finance institutions. Auto insurance may be considered too expensive for some buyers, but it is important to have in the event of an accident. Insurance is something you do not want to be caught without. In reference to house insurance, who does not want their home, belongings, and memories protected? How about protecting the safety of guests and visitors? I know that if something happens everything valuable to your heart cannot be replaced, but what if nothing could be replaced at all? While on the subject of love and losses, there is one thing that could never be replaced, the life of a loved one. Therefore just imagine having financial backup during the time of devastation to help pay off any expenses and outstanding balances owed. Life insurance is so important in the event of those unexpected events. Purchasing life insurance while you are young and healthy will help with the rates, so this is something I strongly encourage to

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