
Matt Bruenig The Case Against Free College Essay

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As a college student, I understand the struggle of debt. I come from a family with low income. Growing up poor, the burden of working and going to school had its hardships and took a large toll on me. Now that City College of San Francisco gives free tuition it has helped. I’m still struggling, however, not as badly as last semester thanks to free college. Matt Bruenig author of “The Case Against Free College” has researched poverty, inequality, and welfare systems, giving him credibility and knowledge to writing this article he makes an effective argument. Bruenig states what free college means can be interpreted differently by individual students, including understanding all students are not equal when it comes to free college. Free college …show more content…

From rhetor, point of view, the appeal to his audience, students actives, or people who want college to be free to understand the values with free college comes with the unfair justice toward low-income students will face having free college doesn’t make it fair between the rich nevertheless the poor, Bruenig brought in facts to catch the reader's attention by illustrating, how rich students have a bigger advantage than the poor students. Rhetor emphasized, “But even reasonably accounting for those kinds of responses, the primary result of such increased student benefit generosity would be to fill the pockets of richer students and their families(113).” Writer illustrated, the rhetorical situation with free college, moreover the benefits that come with having free college, the person that truly gain from free college is the rich because the rich are the one that makes a profit from having free college. This is major factor because Bruenig point out the benefits of the rich being rich does not need the help accordingly it should go toward students who truly need the help. Bruenig wants the audience to visualize on their own with the poor getting poorer this feeling can be discouraging to low-income student leading to stress from the unfairness of the riches gain even more. The concern of …show more content…

With free college can be unbalanced since more rich students attend college than poor students at an early age. According to Bruenig,“At age nineteen, only around 20 percent of children from the poorest 2 percent of families in the country attend college. For the richest 2 percent of families, the same number is around 90 percent. In between these two extremes, college attendance rates climb practically straight up the income ladder: the richer your parents are, the greater the likelihood that you are in college at age nineteen(113).” He analyzed, that within college more rich student will likely attend college at age 19, than a 19-year old student from a poor background. He reasoned with his evidence by bringing in statistic demonstrating any benefits that students obtain from attending college, will go toward the rich students with the percentage that is given, shows there are more rich students than poor students attending at an early age showing readers that rich will profit

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