Nokia N1 Website Analysis

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How the Nokia N1 website prioritizes the aesthetics of minimalism and functionality in its design. Minimalism is an art movement that started during the 1960’s in New York City which focuses on simplicity and functionality rather than ornamentation. Though it started out as an ideology it later branched out as a movement. It consists of the idea of stripping down something to its essential elements and is more of a group of principles than a set of rules. Chapman (2010) has given information confirming this fundamental and basic principle. Minimalism has gone on to affect different fields of design even though it started off with painting and later moved onto sculpture. Minimalism focuses more on simplistic design as it is considered democratic …show more content…

These include features such as areas of white space, notable contrast, minimal wording, use of primary colours and spaces of uniform colour in addition to clear typography and minimal detail. Mokhov (2011) has provided information regarding these features. The Nokia N1 website consists these elements and with the help of those has created a minimalist web design to market the product. The background of the website consists mostly white and a small amount of a light shade of grey. These colours create good contrast and highlight the Nokia N1 which mostly contains the colour black and also creates a clear background with any unnecessary detail. Alongside each photograph of the Nokia N1 a brief description is given on the important features which are expected to mainly gain a potential customer’s attention. These descriptions only contain the bare essentials on the product and is typed in a thin sans serif font with extra kerning and leading to an increase clarity while making it easier to read. In addition to the usage of white, grey and black the Nokia N1 website also consists of a shade of blue which is a primary colour and that too is limited by only using it for the Nokia logo and another small portion containing the website links. All colours have been used in moderately sized areas in a way that the colours won’t clash. Other than using minimum wording and the limitations on the use of colour, overall the website contains minimum detail. Even though the typical motive of the website is marketing the product the main purpose of the N1 website is to create consumer interest and create demand for the product. In doing so minimum detail has been utilized by using simple images and

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