Essay On Becoming A Role Model

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The reason for me to become an ECE is my role model, my mentor Miss Maimoona Masood Ahmed. She was the only person who taught me to see myself as a strong person who could bring change in their own and others lives, and that is why I chose her to be the personality of this artifact to represent my journey to become an ECE. Ever since she taught me, I had this feeling why her ways of teaching attracted me and after much reflecting, it became obvious that she always gave me the respect and importance which helped me to become what I am right now. Being a middle child in a family that was always in my mind, what is my place in this world, and I always thought about the attachment and relationships children develops with important people in their lives. As a middle child I always feel lack of attention and importance from my parents and family but when miss Maimoona took special care to include me in every conversation in class even though i was shy I felt that I could achieve anything. I started to believe in myself and that is the reason why I consider her my role model. …show more content…

I come to understand that even one person with genuine love could make a huge difference in any child’s life because every child is important; therefore, from my teenage years and up till now I want to aspire to be that person. I was a shy student of Miss Maimoona’s class, and hardly participate in any group discussions, yet she remembered me and always called me by my name. That’s what made her different from other professors that she knew all of our names almost instantly, like magic. When my professor called me with my name it positively affects my attitude about the course/her class. I feel more valued and it gives me a sense of

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