Travel And Tourism

776 Words4 Pages

This research was done to explain how local and national economic policies that influences the success of the travel and tourism sector. According to Abbas (2012), economic impacts are effects on the level of economic activity in a given area. It is also the changes of the economic activities that are associated with the industry, event or policy in an existing regional economy where the primary motivation is to promote that of the expected economic improvement.
Research Findings
The findings for how local and national economic policy influences the success of the travel and tourism sector are:
1. The national policies according to OECD (2011), must emphasize the regional economic dimension of tourism of the total impact of the national economy. …show more content…

There are several economic policies used by the government which affects the tourism sector and OECD (2011), said that this makes any evaluation of tourism difficult and incomplete. Economic information on tourism both at the local and the national level is currently lacking and could be strengthened by supporting both tourism activities as well as other activities and turnover. This reflects on the overall performance of the sector which emphasized decentralization, devotion and participation. This is merely seen as an achievement in the short term but as integral components of the development process.
Stynes (n.d.), pointed out that direct effects are changes that are associated with the effects of these changes in tourism expenditure. A good example of this is an increase in the number of tourists that utilizes overnight accommodation that would directly yield increased sales in the tourism sector. Additional direct effects of the tourist spending are associated with changes in hotel payments for wages and salaries, taxes and supplies and …show more content…

These may occur as a result of various factors, each of which is analyzed differently.
According to (2015), growth within the tourism sector is declined to result from changes in sales for suppliers to the directly affected sector as a whole. Indirect economic impacts of tourism is regularly found in investment spending surrounding a tourism offering from private and governmental interests. The investment may not explicitly be related to tourism but benefits the tourist and local stakeholders all the

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