Summary Of Rehearsal: The Circle Of Blame

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Summary In this chapter we have learnt: • Engagement has to do with our attitudes, behaviours and outcomes. • How our actions can impact others and we have discussed specific examples of causes and effects in different situations that are both professional and personal. • How to use the tool – The Circle of Blame. • The importance of teamwork, and how to get the best out of people we have relationships with both at work, home and in social settings. • The importance of remaining true to our own personal values and beliefs. Action Points • Make a list of things you feel unengaged in your life and write these on the left side of a piece of paper, these could be personal or work – related. On the right hand side now list of things you can do to become more engaged. • For at least one of the areas identified, complete a circle of blame. Write down what you should have done differently and your own personal learning. • Write down specific ways, how you will now behave …show more content…

When they completed these experiments they would have to work in groups of between 2-4 students. Some students would quickly find others to work with but there would always be a couple, others would not want to work with. Why? These students would never take part and would just want to copy the results of their peers. Some would be so lazy they wanted someone else to draw their results table for them. As their teacher, I would constantly need to remind the class, each student needed to draw their own results table as it be would needed for the next part of the investigation. For this part of their controlled assignment they would have to work independently again; just like when you sat examinations in school or in university. Despite the instructions given, I would always find in the next lesson, there would be a few students with the wrong attitude, who would not be prepared for their independent

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