How Does Air Pollution Affect Our Future

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Air pollution has a big effect on global warming along with energy. Energy and air pollution will affect this world bad in the future. Global warming has remained a subject all across the world throughout the twenty first century. Air pollution and energy security requires a massive effort by individuals, communities, businesses, nonprofits, and policy makers around the world. Many of the air pollutions problems of the past are now under control, but new problems have come out in the form of damage to the ozone, layer acid rain , and many other serious problem that are affecting the earth in a negative way.

As the people we can all work together and stop air pollution. Air quality is very important. Asthma is becoming more common in the last few years because of the harmful chemicals from hazardous chemicals. We can conserve more energy by turning off appliances when they are not being used. Such as lights, fans, and other household objects that use the most energy. We can limit driving by carpooling, walking, riding a bike, or using public transportation.Other ways you could cut back is making sure your everyday vehicle is tuned,and very well maintained. Everyone could use less gas and use more energy savers such as electric tools and hybrid vehicles. There are many …show more content…

If we keep it up at this page, the world will be a very inhospitable place in less than 100 years. We can take steps to slow down global warming. For example, we must ensure that our industry slowly stops burning fossil oil. We can use electric or solar power to power our motor vehicles. Also, we can stop deforestation and plant ne forests every year. Even changing out habits can result in a substantial reduction in pollution. Things like not wasting water, taking the bus to work, reducing energy consumption, and recycling can make a huge difference if enough people do

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