Reactive Vs Proactive Education

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Human progress: reactive vs. proactive evolution — the role of education:
Reactive education is one in which the problem is solved when it is already present and the pre-active means is tried not to get to the problem » What is the difference of evolution vs. Change?
The evolution is being carried out in a constant change way in search of improvement and fix errors, for this, we must be in a continuous learning to know how to rectify our mistakes. » Human being can be reactive or proactive:
From my point of view, it depends on what people are like. There are people who see the problem before it appears and others who have the problem and do not know how to solve it.
This is due to the context of the person and the learning that he received …show more content…

» Education is a fundamental human right. It is a potentially, a manageable change agent for international, social and human development?
From my point of view, I believe that all students should have the opportunity to study, because knowledge is the greatest strength that exists, through it can move you.
It is very important for me to have your own ideology and know how to defend them. I do not like the idea of being simple puppets of the people of power who are interested that we do not know to not be able to revalue their actions and not fight for our thoughts.
A person is truly free when his mind is also free and is able to fight for it, regardless of the hits.
For me education is very important, because without it we could not do anything because we would not obtain the source of information necessary for our …show more content…

It is important for continuous improvement, but if there not are periods of crisis there would be no doubt if we do well the things, we do not think about contex or thing that are around us and we would live in an utopian world where everything would be perfect when in reality it is not so and only we deceive ourselves believing that. » Humankind is currently going through a global phase of crisis, a natural part of its evolution.
This is due to poor management of governments, who have encouraged selfishness, scanty studies, little respect for nature ... To benefit them, since in this way, the rich are richer, and the poor poorer . And they do not care about this situation for their comfort, and they feel protected since they are forming an illiterate country that is not able to react. » Why do learning & change involve pain & suffering? Why are new paradigms met with fear & suspicion and face opposition?
Because everyone is afraid of what they do not know, and until they do not get the results of it, they have a bad time. But once the change is completed and they get good results they change their

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