
Character Analysis: The Breakfast Club

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“What do you care? You see us as you want to see us... in the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Correct? That's how we saw each other at seven o'clock this morning. We were brainwashed.” (The Breakfast Club)
The Breakfast Club is one triumphant fist pump in the air for high school movies and 1980s cinema as a whole. It was written, produced, and directed by John Hughes. The plot follows five teenagers; John Bender, Claire Standish, Andrew Clark, Brian Ralph Johnson, and Allison Reynolds, as they fulfill their Saturday high school detention in 1984. They are accompanied by the strict and menacing Assistant Principal Richard Vernon and the likeable …show more content…

Not only does he do exactly that, he also makes every type of teenager feel connected to his message. His message being that we are not so different from each other despite our differences. No matter what clique you’re in or your upbringing we are all just trying to get through this crazy ride called life. This brain, athlete, basket case, princess, and criminal clash initially due to their own similar preconceived notions of one another. As the day goes on they realize they have more in common than they think and even start to build friendships. And regardless of what they may feel towards one another at any given time they have always had one thing in common; Assistant Principal Vernon is the enemy and they will stick together to defend each other against …show more content…

The message does seem more focused on those that are teenagers while watching the movie. As the characters are getting to know each other more there is a scene where Bender reenacts an evening at his house that he shares with his mother and father. John Bender is initially portrayed as this Mr. Tough Guy, but as he imitates his parents you can see that he is just as insecure and vulnerable as the kids he makes fun of. This scene makes the audience feel more connected and feel empathy towards his character. After this they gradually open up to each other and reveal their secrets. They discover Allison is a compulsive liar, Brian and Claire are ashamed of their virginity and Andy got in trouble because of his overbearing father. They also discover that they all have strained relationships with their parents and are afraid of making the same mistakes as the adults around them. As an audience, you start to see the connections between the characters and the connections from the characters to yourself. Their life experiences are all something that us as an audience can look at and say, "Hey, I've been through this." These emotions give the director the credibility they need for this

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