
Steve Jobs Research Paper

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“Think Different” is the technology company Apple’s slogan that has reflected on what the company has done and what they will always strive to do. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, is a great example of this statement. He helped to get people to think differently and innovatively (Isaacson). In his parents’ garage, Jobs built the first Apple computer. His computer, the Apple 1, was the beginning of Jobs career, and the start of technology revolution. About forty years later, Apple became one of the most powerful technology companies in the world (Kutcher). Apple started out as a computer company, but now they have so much more variety. Some of Apple’s most recent products are the iPhone X, AirPods, and the Apple Watch. Moreover, Apple has …show more content…

All of Apple’s devices were made so that anyone could use them. Also, their products were helpful in people’s daily lives because they could be used for communication, work, etc. Because Apple worked to make their products helpful and simple, they were able to impact many people and how they use technology. Apple’s innovation in making new and different technology has led them to become successful. Steve Jobs played a big role in making Apple successful. Jobs was a great leader who led his employees to work harder and think smarter. He was also a perfectionist, so he made all his products exactly the way he envisioned them. Jobs could be very harsh on his employees because of this, but his harshness helped make his employees create great devices (Kutcher). Without Jobs, Apple would never have been as successful as it is …show more content…

Apple has used many different methods to market their products. They have TV advertisements, lots of big stores, and more ways to publicize their new products. All of Apple’s marketing strategies have helped them to grow and get more people to buy their devices (Morrison). One of Apple’s marketing strategies is by creating a mystery about what their new product will feature. To create this “mystery”, Apple releases limited information about their new device. This is a good marketing strategy because it makes people wonder about what the new device will be like, which gets more people thinking and talking about Apple (Kulkarni). When people do this, they are more likely buy Apple’s products and bring recognition to the company (Morrison). Building suspense and creating a mystery about their new device, Apple is able to sell more products. Another marketing strategy of Apple is creating an experience for their customers. Apple does this by having interactive stores. In all Apple stores, there are interactive devices that customers can use. This gives customers a feel for what new features are on a new device. Having interactive devices makes people remember going to an Apple store more than if there were no devices. Creating an experience helps people remember Apple and get them to buy their products (Kulkarni). Doing this has made Apple successful and made them lots of

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