The Five Fundamental Practices Of Exemplary Leadership

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Leadership is one of the most fascinating elements of business. When done well, the impact of strong leadership is limitless. When done poorly, the impact can be significant, severe and lasting. This paper will analyze one leadership framework against the backdrop of a case study of a Fortune 100 CEO.
Five Fundamental Practices of Exemplary Leadership
James Kouzes and Barry Posner, through extensive observation, analysis and engagement, have identified their version of the most important factors for strong leadership. They refer to these as the Five Fundamental Practices of Exemplary Leadership. The five practices are: Model the way, inspire a shared vision, Challenge the process, enable others to act and Encourage the heart (Kouzes & Posner, 2003?). Each of these practices bring a requirement of specific behaviors designed to engage constituents and create followership.
Bill Johnson was CEO and Chairman of the H.J. Heinz company for nearly 20 years. Bill was known for as a direct and challenging leader. He was effective in many ways leading Heinz to tremendous growth exceeding $11 Billion in revenue while also having some opportunities for improvement. The rest of this paper will analyze the Five Fundamental Practices of Exemplary Leadership against the backdrop of Bill Johnson as a leader.
Model the way
The first of the five practices focus on the leader being incredibly clear about their belief system. “An effective leader must also be an effective standard

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