
The Nile's Influence On Ancient Egypt

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The Nile River is inhabited by many plants and animals. The Nile’s waters, which stretch for more than 4,000 miles, 600 of it is in Egypt, have dangerous cataracts and waterfalls throughout. This prevents animals from living in some areas of the largest river in the world. This river was important not only to plants and animals, but it also influenced Egypt itself. Because of this river, the Egyptians had a place to settle down, develop a religion, trade, and eat. If not for the Nile, Egypt wouldn’t have been as it is today. One way the Nile influenced Ancient Egypt was its creation of the land. It turned a barren desert into a fruitful oasis. In Document A, I can see from the map that all of the cities are surrounding the Nile, and not one city strays from the path of the water. This shows that they relied upon the Nile to …show more content…

The Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife, and, according to Document D, everything in the afterlife still revolved and relied upon the Nile. The tomb painting in the document showed people still working near the Nile as they did in their previous life. It shows a man and his wife planting seeds, nurturing them, and then cutting the plants, all the while using the river to help them. If the Nile is in their ideal picture of the afterlife, then it must have made a colossal impact on their lives. The songs that the Ancient Egyptians wrote about the Nile were praising it. In Document E, it exclaims, “Hail to you, oh Nile, spring from the ground, come to keep the land alive…” They believed that the Nile kept the land, and through the land, themselves alive. The Nile River is the cause for them existing and thriving in Egypt. In the song, it also says, “… who floods the fields that Ra (the sun god) has created to make all the animals live…” They believed that the Nile helped the animals live, along with the fields that it pours its imposing waters

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