The Importance Of Time Management

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The phrase Time Management is an frequently used one and is the buzzword in many a corporate circle. Time refers to – progression of events, specific moments of time in one’s life. Time is precious and once gone it cannot be retrieved.
Time Management is the manner in which one organises and allocates time for various activities. Time management is sometimes called activity management. In simple words, it is making the most of one’s time. It is a skill that can easily be developed with a little commitment and perseverance.

Time management traces its origins back to the Industrial Revolution. With the coming of the factory system, the need for punctuality and productivity took on new meaning and urgency. It meant living by the clock.

(i) Importance …show more content…

Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. This is a good reason for one to manage time so as not to spend ages on only one task. This requires a lot of self-disciple. Time management requires discipline. Managing one’s time and completing given tasks on time is an indicator of efficiency - the doorway to greater success in one’s career. Poor time management impacts all areas of life. A missed deadline can impact one in tremendous ways causing things to go into a negative spiral.

Time Management is a vital factor in productivity. Students who are able to schedule and plan their academic life and activities will be in a better position to schedule their lives when they become employees, thereby contributing to career success.

(vi) Effective Time Management

A student’s busy life is crammed with studies, activities, social engagements, etc. Making time for all of these is nothing short of a huge effort. Effective Time Management is the outcome of planning and execution of several important factors including scheduling, prioritising, task management, a commitment to sticking to created schedules, …show more content…

This is a very important decision. From this will stem what one does and how one goes about doing things in order to optimise the usage of time.

(ix) Factors of Effective Time Management

First things first, effective time management is all about managing oneself and one’s time.
Other factors essential for effective time management are:
Self-discipline - Self-discipline is essential for time management and essentially self-management. Time management does not change drastically overnight. Just as Rome was not built in a day mastering time management and seeing its results happen over time. It requires patience and commitment. Keeping the end in mind and looking forward to the desired outcome will fuel one’s resolve to be self-disciplined.
Setting goals - Setting goals for one’s life provides both direction and focus. Additionally, it helps channelize one’s energies in a particular direction. It is a precursor to achievement.
Identifying and eliminating Time Thieves/Time Wasters - Often little things take away large chunks of our time. For example, phone calls, chatting, social media, unexpected visitor,

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