Advertisement As A Medium Of Communication On Consumer Behavior

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Advertisement is a medium of communication for influencing or suggesting audience for buying decision upon one product or service. Advertisement has created great impact upon the consumers. Brand image, persuasiveness and celebrity endorsement also play a part for advertising and catching the eye of the consumers. Television, radio, internet, magazine and newspapers are the general medium for communicating to consumer for the buying decision upon the product or services. The primary data of the study is collected through questionnaires and secondary data was collected through internet, journals and business magazines.

As the title of the project has a meaning “Consumer Behaviour” towards “Advertisement”. It is focusing upon two words i.e. consumer behaviour and advertisement. Consumer behaviour may be defined as “the decision process and physical activity that individuals, groups or organizations engage in when evaluating, using, acquiring or disposing of goods or services”. So the study of consumer behaviour focuses on how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (time, energy, effort) on consumption-related items. It tries to understand the decision-making processes of buyers of both in individual and in groups such as how emotions affect buying behaviour.
And Advertisement is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of idea, goods or services by an identified sponsor. In Latin, ad vertere means "to turn toward".

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