Vocabulary In English

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The first part of Use of English & Vocabulary is a basic item since students have to complete a chart with the past and past participle form of irregular verbs that are given in the chart. It is a basic item but meaningful and very important because students will need these verbs forms to create present perfect simple sentences. In the class we would have given a list of the most used verbs and their past and participle form, so students just have to remember the grammatical forms of the verb.

In the second item we want to assess the vocabulary covered in this unit pero based on the idea that “an important dimension of vocabulary assessment is concerned with the role of context in a vocabulary test” (Read 2000, cited in Coombe 2011; p. …show more content…

Thus, we created a short text that is not complete, so students must complete it with the words given in the box. They should be able to analyze the text, understand the context and the meaning of the text in order to put the missing words in the gaps. The final objective of this item is that the text makes sense, be coherent and cohesive, and students will achieve that with a deep understanding of the word given, not just memorizing it, but how to use it in a context.

In the last item we are assessing grammatical tenses related to the unit. In this case, the use, form and meaning of present continuous and present perfect. We created 6 incompleted sentences where students have to choose a verb given in the box to complete them. The purpose of this item is that students must realize what verbs correspond to each sentence according to the meaning, use and form. According to Purpura (2004), …show more content…

7). Also, a “holistic rubric gives a single score or rating for an entire product or performance based on an overall impression of a student’s work “ (Arter & McTighe, 2001; p. 18), so in this case it is faster to score this part of the test because the text students have to create is seen as a whole product, in contrast with analytical ones, which are better to give feedback. However, we would have already given the students feedback when they were writing a cover letter in class, based on an analytic rubric, so they would have had the opportunity to evaluate their performance and to understand in a better way each linguistic, grammatical factors and also structure, which are important elements in the production of a

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