Essay Student Problems

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Student problems nowadays are very different between student from past ten years ago. It is either from primary school or secondary school. Based on this problem, there are many factors that contribute to these changes as well.
One of the student problems nowadays are student behavior. It is proved that student behavior is worse than ten years ago. Student last time was so polite and they have high discipline towards their parents, teachers and their peers as well. They also have less serious disciplinary issues. Their parents are so strict and they tend to teach their children to behave well since they were kids. But student nowadays, there are severe problems with student behavior at school in many countries such as less respect to teachers, school violence, productions of sex clips in class and so on. There is a tendency for student to be more aggressive than ever before. The media is hectic with reports of students doing drugs and girls are involving in premarital and unprotected sex at an early age. Whatever the student level, students in this era is totally difference with pass time. The worst level is senior high school level. At this level, they tend to blaming people around them, delivering strong argument, and break the rule. Some of them, they are in straight way to be their own selves and show up their ability.
Factors that contribute to these changes might be from the environment and media as well. As for media, due to internet 's development, students can

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