Examples Of External Communication

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External Communications
The growth of the Internet has made it almost essential for a business to have an online presence, simple though it may be. On a simple Internet Web site a company can provide potential customers, clients, employees, and/or investors with contact information and a picture of the company. For those wishing to use the Internet as a sales and marketing vehicle, a more sophisticated (and expensive) site can be developed. Often called e-Commerce Web sites, these sites are used for advertising, displaying merchandise, taking and processing orders, tracking orders, and/or performing many customer service tasks.

Example of modern business communication system are

VoIP Phone Systems
Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP providers, …show more content…

In this article you will learn how to acquire better verbal communication. http://www.exforsys.com/career-center/business-communication/verbal-communication-used-in-business.html Verbal communication is not just about how you communicate your thoughts, responses and ideas effectively, it is vital for developing a business and forging relationships with colleagues, customers and suppliers.
When it comes to business, verbal communication is very important for the reason being that you are dealing with a variety of people through out the day. In some cases you may deal with people who have different culture, ages and with different levels of experience.
Imagine if you expressed yourself the same way with a customer who has different culture, is much older than you and have many years of experience in his field. Most likely your thoughts will be difficult to express. Thus it is necessary to have proper skill when using verbal communication while dealing with different …show more content…

Most people use nonverbal signals when communicating. Even the blind use nonverbal communications to aid in both sending and receiving messages since nonverbal techniques includes such things as tone of voice and physical proximity.
Some non-verbal communication used in business are
 Visual Communication: Visual Communication is one kind of non verbal communication where some visual means or methods or techniques are used to make the communication vivid, natural and more effective. We use gesture, posture, facial expression, eye contact etc. while talking; graph charts, color etc. to present something in written all of these techniques are known as visual communication. In most of the cases, visual communication takes place as a complement to take it most effective and most fruitful, though it can take place alone or solely.
 Body Language or Kinesics: Body language or kinesics refers to the movements of the different parts of the body that indicate some specific messages. The physical movements of body are a unique mode of non verbal communication. These movements can be unconscious and

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