Essay On How To Live Your Life

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Living your life every single day trying to survive is already difficult. If you're a college student, your day will consist of a lot of studying and going to class, you also need to work part-time, and just a bit of social life. If you're a working professional, your day will consist of getting up early and just have coffee, head to work for about 8 hours. If you're a housewife and a mom, your day will consist of making breakfast, getting your kids to school, do some chores, run errands and more. Some people gets tired of their every day routine over and over again. Life is not easy, and yet it is meant to be lived. Make sure to live your life with positivity and look at everything with the glass half-full instead of it being half-empty. So here are a couple of life-hacks to improve your healthy lifestyle.

• Use smaller plates and bowls

This is more like a psychological trick for your brain. The next time you have a meal, it would be best for to use a smaller bowl or a smaller plate. When you use a bigger plate or bowl, your mind will think that there is a bigger spare space to fill and you will end up eating more, however, if you choose to have a smaller plate or bowl, your mind will think that it is already a lot …show more content…

When you stack on some unhealthy foods in your fridge or pantry, you have no choice but to eat it because you will feel bad if you throw it all away. The mind can convince a person that he or she is hungry even if they're not. It is actually common and a well described phenomenon of the cephalic phase response. Make sure to keep your unhealthy foods out of sight so that you wouldn't be tempted to eat them. Try to keep yourself from buying them as well by not going into the unhealthy foods aisle. It will also help if you place some healthy fruits and other snacks on your kitchen counters or wherever you can easily see them, that way you can snack on them

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