Essay On Effective Doctor-Patient Communication

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Effective doctor-patient communication is a central clinical function in building a therapeutic doctor-patient relationship, which is the heart and art of medicine. This is important in the delivery of high-quality health care. Much patient dissatisfaction and many complaints are due to breakdown in the doctor-patient relationship.
Patient-physician communication is an integral part of clinical practice. When done well, such communication produces a therapeutic effect for the patient, as has been validated in controlled studies.
When doctors use communication skills effectively, both they and their patients benefit. 1. Doctors identify their patients ' problems more accurately,
2. Their patients are more satisfied with their care and can better understand …show more content…

Another quality of excellence is when a doctor creates a sense of partnership with the patient by using attentive listening of patient concerns or values to adjust and individualize treatment, and encourages patients to openly discuss their concerns.

“He allows the patient to be an active participant in health care decision-making.”

This means practicing patient autonomy.

Also, a good communicator:

Has respect for her patient. Good doctors understand that a sick or injured patient is highly vulnerable. Being respectful goes a long way toward helping that patient

Has the ability to share information in terms her patients can understand

Doesn 't interrupt or stereotype her patients. It 's easy for all of us to interrupt when we know time is short or we are in a hurry, but a practitioner who is a good communicator knows that if it can 't be done right to begin with, it will need to be done over.

Has the ability to effectively manage patients ' expectations.
Open Ended: Good

Questions that are answered by a statement, not answered by yes or no. Example: Tell me about the character of your pain.

2. Closed questions: Not recommended, use minimally. Do you have pain? Yes or

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