Mediating Effects Of Hotel

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Mediating effects
The investigation of important literature in the tourism and hospitality industry revealed that the effects of intention to visit based on information searching, E-service quality and E-word of mouth has full mediation with tourists’ personal income. The use of planned behavior theory provides helpful guidelines for the development of the relationships that metamorphose into the ideology of employees working towards saving to leave their countries due to poverty and low income revenues. When employees work long hours and are not properly rewarded financially or non-financially they become emotional fatigue and have intentions to vacate the employment (Ciulu, et al., 2011; Hsu, T.-H., et al. 2012; Kinnunen, et al.2010; …show more content…

Only the management of the 4 star hotels, 3star hotels and the guest houses permitted data collection for the research. The total number of rooms in the hotels together with the guests houses sum up to 872. The hotel management did not allow the researchers to directly contact the tourists from the Europe and USA. They were not also allowed to contact the employees of the hotels with lower incomes face to face. These types of restrictions are recognized in the studies of (Karatepe & Agbaim, 2012; Aleshinloye,et al., 2009) in central African region of Cameroon. The hotels and the guests’ houses selected senior supervisors to share the questionnaire to the target respondents to collect the data. Based on this, the data were obtained from the tourists from developed countries staying in the hotels, the guest houses and the employees of the setting with lower salaries. The questionnaires were grouped into two categories, Time I and Time II with a time lag of two weeks to diminish the risk of potential method of common bias problems through the empirical studies of Podsakoff et al., (2003) and the research work of Karatepe O. M., (2013). The questionnaires were self-administered and the respondents were assured of confidentiality and anonymity. The Time I questionnaire covers information searching, E-service quality and intention to visit measures. The Time II on the other hand includes E-word of mouth and intention to visit measurement. The respondent profile was also measured based on Time I that includes age, gender, marital status, education and job tenure. A number was set to create a master list to identify each respondent and a similar number was put on each questionnaire to match up both Time I and Time II questionnaires. Each respondent that completed the questionnaire was given an

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