Persuasive Essay On Healthy Eating Habits

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When it comes to eating healthy, our sense of smell may be our worse enemy. There are times when we may find ourselves scarfing down a Mc Donald 's Extra Value Meal all because the smell of freshly fried French fries invaded our nostrils. Despite this not being the sole cause, it 's instances such as these that tends to lead us to unhealthy eating. That it is why it is essential that we don 't just simply ignore our poor eating habits, but recognize the consequences, in hopes of seeking out and reaping the benefits of a healthy diet. As previously mentioned, the smell alone can make us crave the very foods that deep down we know we shouldn 't eat. These foods which fall into "junk food" category - simply meaning, foods that consist of lots …show more content…

These foods include nuts, "dry" beans and peas, which is recommend to be consumed 1 - 3 times per day, as well as fish, poultry (chicken and duck), beef, pork, lamb and eggs, which is recommended to be consumed 0 - 2 times per day (Nutrition: How to Make Healthier Food Choices; Robinson, Lawrence, et al.). Protein is defined as a "vital nutrient required for building (healthy muscle), maintaining (healthy weight, skin, nails, hair, heart and respiratory health) and repairing tissues, cells, and organs throughout the body"; it also gives us the much needed energy we need to get through the day as well as improves our mood and the overall way we think and feel, our memory and how our body 's responds to stress (Robinson, Lawrence, et al.). When eating proteins from "meat" sources, they should be lean, and the fat (i.e. the skin) should be removed; additionally, in regards to cooking, the meat should be broiled, baked. or gilled instead of fried. Fish should be "fresh, canned, or frozen," and duck should not be eaten often as it contains a lot of fat. Furthermore, "non-meat" proteins, such as beans and nuts are also good sources of fiber. (Nutrition: How to Make Healthier Food

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