Unhealthy Lifestyle Essay

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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
Nowadays, many Hong Kong people have unhealthy lifestyles. Unhealthy lifestyle means probably by at least one of the accompanying behaviors, such as smoking, taking drugs, doing not enough exercise regularly, eating unhealthy foods, sleeping poorly, and other unhealthy habits. Unhealthy lifestyle will cause health problem, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Unhealthy lifestyle will impact Hong Kong people health is declining.

1.2 Aims
The purpose of this report is to discuss the reasons of unhealthy lifestyles in Hong Kong and to find out the solutions to improve their health in this report due to the rate of unhealthy life style is increasing.

1.3 Scope
The report evaluates declining health in Hong Kong. It is mainly referring from the online resource and newspaper, focusing on three key factors: unhealthy eating habits, irregular work and rest (sleep quality), and lack of exercises. Also, it will provide three suggestions which are creating an exercise record log, following the nutrition guide and getting a good quality of sleep.

2.0 Discussion
2.1 Unhealthy Eating Habit
First of all, Hong Kong people have unhealthy eating habit, which is eating fast food. It includes the children, teenagers even the adults. The South Ching Morning Post (2004) had mentioned the country of the …show more content…

The Sleep Quality and Quantity of PMEB in Hong Kong was doing a survey for some current local professionals, managers, executives and traders. (HKU Pop Site, 2002) It said that most people sleeping time is about 11pm or later, even in the weekend. It also found that about 40 percent of people getting out-of-bed time is on 6am to 7am in weekdays. It also reveals that nearly 40 percent of people only sleep four to six hours on weekdays, which mean they have not enough time to sleep and rest. It also remarks about 43 percent of people had the experienced of insomnia

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