Medical research Essays

  • Animal Testing In Medical Research

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    understand how the human body works. Animal testing is one of the major controversial issues, but animal testing has dramatically contributed to science. First, some people think that animal testing should not be used for testing medical techniques and drugs. However, medical research involving animal testing improved the health of human beings. They also say that information from an animal doesn’t apply on a human being, but there are enough similarities between humans and animals to apply the test results

  • Animal Testing In Medical Research Essay

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    of bioethics. Scientists and researchers believe that non-human animal tests in biomedical research have many benefits on different applications, mainly for medical developments such as vaccines and the investigation of the cure of diseases, and in many cases, there have certainly been essential advancements for the society through animal studies. However, there has been some controversy regarding medical developments and the ethical implications of it, since the way it is carried out can be considered

  • Medical Marijuana Research Paper

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    whether or not to legalize marijuana for medical use. People fear that it might be abused by others claiming to need it while those that truly need it, get put on the sidelines. Marijuana can be a hot topic, but with research people can come to understand why it should be legalized for medical use. For example, Amy and Lou Weiss are new marijuana entrepreneurs and they believe that their business can help those in pain. In their article called, “We Got into Medical Marijuana to Help People, Now We’re

  • Medical Research: Multiple Causes Of False

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    false positive findings, from sampling, to data analysis through research design and more. The author found that most claimed research findings are false because the majority of them are based on a single study. Major causes of false findings are biases that can be noticed from sampling, data collection, data analysis and even shifting of the initial hypothesis once the data are obtained. These

  • Medical Practice Research Paper

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    Starting a medical practice might seem like a task only for those who have been practicing for at least 20 years and have lots of expertise in the field. Realistically speaking, starting a medical practice is just like starting any other major project or goal. It takes persistence, determination and fortitude. Even though the health care world is changing, it is possible to move with the pace in way that creates longevity in the healthcare community. Remember a few basic principles in order to see

  • Medical Marijuana Research Paper

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    having an incurable disease and no way to cope with the pain, well this is the case for many Americans and their problems can be solved with marijuana. Now that marijuana is legal in Colorado it has decreased the amount of opioid related deaths. Medical marijuana has many great attributes such as its ability to safely and effectively help people with symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, and epilepsy. There are many non smoked ways to consume marijuana, such as in cooking oils,

  • Ethical Principles In Medical Research Practice

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    ethical considerations regarding human research, treatment of humans and healthcare for humans (NHMRC Act, 2007). The current essay focuses on various ethical and legal standards of healthcare treatment that has to be provided to the humans and the importance of such activity. The ethical principles not only have impact on the research subjects but, also will influence the people affected by the research outcomes. The three basic ethical principles in medical research practice are respect for people receiving

  • Electronic Medical Record Research Paper

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    How Electronic Medical Records are Changing the Game Electronic medical records, along with health information systems and other technologies, are revolutionizing how patients access and receive health care services. Below introduces four ways that electronic medical records are changing the health care experience. Better Quality of Care Electronic medical records (EMRs) are one of the best ways to increase the quality of patient care. Digital EMRs mean that physicians can make better clinical

  • Argumentative Essay: We All Have Rights

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    experiment does not even work. Scientist use animals for medical research to try and find a cure for a disease. All different kind of animals are tested but mostly they are mice, rats, monkeys, and rabbits. Scientist test all different kind of drugs on the animal to see if they can cure the disease the animal has, if it works on the animals it might have a chance to work on humans. The problem is that the chance is really small. Medical research should not be tested on animals because almost all the

  • Should Animal Testing Be Banned

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    experimentation or research, it should be defined as all testing methods on animals including, medical exploration, cosmetics, toxicology trialing, and psychological examination involving animal subjects. It is used to assess the safety and effectiveness of medications and beauty products as well as understanding how the human physiology works. While supporters believe it is necessary practice, those against animal testing believe that it involves torture and suffering to animals. Medical research is the hardest

  • Animal Testing: Beneficial To Life Keeping Humane

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    If you had a choice to test an animal to save your child would you? Animal testing has been proven to work throughout the years but, as we evolve more and more there have been things that could substitute testing. “Research on living animals has been practiced since at least 500 bc”. “Animals used in the experiment commonly subjected to force feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation etc.” Animal testing while seeming inhuman there are some beneficial sides to testing on animals. While

  • Animal Testing Unethical

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    has become a double-edged sword topic all around the world. Researchers believe that it is morally ethical to conduct extreme research procedures on animals when it is unethical to conduct on humans. Research is responsible for many medical breakthroughs and an important factor to the development of medical advances is the inclusion of animals in research. Medical research with the help of animal testing has prevented hepatitis B, measles, etc. (Karayiannis et al. 2004). Although testing on animals

  • Animal Testing Is Inhumane Essay

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    way to conduct medical research? This is a question that I often ponder on. However, I do believe that animal testing is an inhumane way to conduct medical research. I will be defending the claim that not only is animal testing unethical, but it is unreliable. Also, there are many different resources available now, that animal testing should be prohibited. As far as animal testing for cosmetics, its absurd. Many will be able to defend the claim that animal testing is useful for medical development,

  • The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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    reduce the number of animals involved in animal testing. In 1970s, 5.5 million of various animals including chimpanzees, dogs, mice, rabbits, monkeys etc. are involve in the medical research field as test subjects for various experiments (PETA, 2014). However, some experiments were not beneficial to the development of the medical field but cost over a million dollar. In the United States of America, 16 billion dollars had been used on animal experimentation- 1.9 million dollars are used on the experimenting

  • What´s Animal Testing Necessary?

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    sacrificed and tested on under the name of medical research. All kinds of animals are needed for medical research such as amphibians, reptiles, birds, rats, mice, etc. Supporters say animal testing is beneficial for medical research and also a key discovery to all sorts of new cures and medicines. While others say animal testing is unreliable, cruel and wasting the lives of many. Key issues in this debate include whether animal testing is beneficial for medical research or animal testing is cruel and should

  • The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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    such as medical treatments, to determine the toxicity of medications, check the safety of products destined for human use, and other biomedical, commercial, and health care uses. Which can be harmful towards the animals and beneficial to humans. Animal testing has contributed too many life-saving cures and treatments. Medical studies has stored and stepped forward the lives of hundreds of thousands of human beings. The California Biomedical Research Association states that nearly every medical breakthrough

  • Benefits Of Animal Testing

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    Animal testing has been involved in medical research for a long time, resulting in an improvement of human health. The benefits of animal testing for medical research outweigh the drawbacks. Although opponents argue that the drawbacks of animal testing outweigh the benefits because animal testing is cruel, in actuality, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks because it saves human lives and is an affordable option. Many opponents argue that one drawback of animal testing is cruelty. They state that

  • The Ineffectiveness Of Animal Testing

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    Millions upon millions of animals are killed mercilessly every year due to these experiments. “Most animal experiments are not relevant to human health, they do not contribute meaningfully to medical advances and many are undertaken simply out of curiosity and do not even pretend to hold promise for curing illnesses” (Animal). Not only does this testing waste animal lives, but humans as well. Because animal testing is so ineffective, many humans

  • Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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    to produce medical cures, and to check the safety of different medications. The question is, should we keep testing animals for scientific research? People have different thoughts or opinions on animals; many think of animals as their playfellows, while others visual animals on an account of advancing and furthering medical research. The logic remains that animals are being utilized by animal facilities around the world. Even though, humans often progress from successful animal research, the pain

  • Down With Animal Testing Is Inhumane

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    animals and they don’t want to face what happens. The inhumane treatment of animals used for research is well documented. There are many pros and cons considering the use of the animals in medical research. Animals shouldn’t be used for testing because it’s inhumane and it will make the population go down. Studies of animal testing have been recorded saying that they could be wasting their time on making medical substances to help human diseases. If they found out that it was a waste of money and time