Essay On Importance Of Good Housekeeping

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1. Electrical

High risk – this is a high risks because there are a lot of electrical appliance in a hospital. If hands are wet when touching an electrical source, they maybe electrocuted. Carers should be dry when unplugging or plugging an electric device. Carers and nurses should have the correct training when handling dangerous electric devices. Carer should follow the control measures and this will reduce the risk of electrocution.
2. Stress

High risk –stress is a huge thing in carers. It causes major problems like hear loss, sleeping problems due to long hours, overtime in workplace. Carer have to learn how to deal with their stress, they should exercise regularly and take the correct nutrition to help them with their stress, …show more content…

The benefits of good housekeeping
If there is a good housekeeping practise in order, it will result in the following
 Reduction in property damage due to enhanced productive perpetuation
 Employee’s moral improve
 Fewer exposures to hazardous substance such as dust and vapours
 Improved management of tools and material in the workplace.
 More organise space
 Employee’s productivity in the workplace improved due to tools and maintenance being more accessible.
 Improved hygiene in the workplace which leads to better health for all workers.
 A smaller amount of fire hazard
 Reduced amounts of slips, trips and falls that occur due to clutter-free and spill-free work areas.
 A more productive maintenance program.
Extra tips include
 Ensuring that all spills are cleaned up as soon up as soon as possible after occurring. If flooring is damage (i.e. worn or ripped) it should be replaced. Apply non-slip floors on areas that cannot be cleaned on a general basis such as entrance to a shop.
 Keep all light fixtures cleaned to ensure that light efficiency is at its best.
 Never use damaged, broken tools or materials and inspect, clean and repair all tools on a regular

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