How Do Video Games Affect Student Reaction Time

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My science fair are all about the reaction time of video gamers. I’ve gathered all the research on reaction I would like the average is usually 150-250 is the average. Some good games for reaction time are 1st person shooters and fast paced games. Ry-them games are also good for reaction time. The reflexes are what I’m testing discovered by a German in 1875. In 1873 Frans Donoers introduced an experiment made dependent on a choice. The neurons in transmit electrical waves to the brain to make a reaction to protect you and make you safe or keep you safe (people with weaker nervous systems sometimes can’t do that). Sleep and caffeine can help with reaction time if you want it to improve because you would be all jittery. When you want a benchmark …show more content…

When you play video games it heightens senses makes people more aware about what is around them. The reaction time is just an electrical signal to the brain to where you are testing. Video gamers are more determined, more careful, and more focused when at school, driving a car, and anything that requires a lot of focus. The reaction time differs from one person to the next but if you have to ask me 300 is a student's reaction time because I’ve tested 3 people's reaction time on at how fast they can click when a red screen turns green. The reaction times are pretty good that was the benchmark for average students I will test more people when I am actually not messing around. It is going to be hard to find five people who have no video games but I know I can do it. So some cool neurons are: portiont neuron takes information to the effectors and triggers them, sensory neurons which are responsible for sight, sound, taste, and light, and one more is the motor neuron that receives signals from the brain through the spine. Those are some of the cool neurons. Games that need eye hand coordination are also good games for

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