
Competency Statement

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The goal I set for myself was to exercise and to try to work out three times a week. My goal was not to work out to lose weight but instead to be more active, to feel less stressed, and to be and feel healthier. Throughout the semester I had some successes and some difficulties as well. When I first started working towards accomplishing my goal it was very easy to follow my plan. I initially came up with a schedule so that I would know what times worked best for me to workout. As I mentioned earlier it was very easy in the beginning of the semester because I was still not overloaded with homework, papers, or exams. Although as we got more into the semester it became difficult to balance my time. For the most part I had issues with time management …show more content…

My leadership role comes more into play when I have to direct employees or when I train them. Since this is my last semester I didn’t have the opportunity to do volunteer work because I wanted to focus on my current classes. Although just before this semester I had the opportunity to do my internship at the Boys and Girls Club of Garden Grove. At this site I volunteered and helped plan daily activities for the kids I also assisted the supervisor with paper work and a few other tasks. In this position I was viewed as a leader by the children because they were aware that I was part of the team and they were also told that they had to follow my directions. Before completing my internship I also volunteered at the Mental Health Association of Orange County. In this organization I was matched with a child, where I served as a mentor. I helped the child become more resilient in day-to-day functioning. I communicated with the child’s therapist and discussed issues that needed to be addressed. This gave me the opportunity to serve as a positive role model so I was definitely viewed as a leader by the …show more content…

Overall it was a success and I’m planning to make it a health behavior that I can apply in my daily life. As I previously mentioned sometimes we all serve as leaders when we don’t even know it. Many of us are siblings, parents, mentors, coaches and will continue to be leaders in many different aspects of our lives. Taking this class has helped me view things in a different perspective and I also learned that it’s just as good to be a follower as it is to be a leader. Great leaders set direction and not only do we help ourselves but those around us as well. My goal as a leader is to motivate and inspire others to become great individuals so that one day they can become great leaders themselves with a personality of a person who is the color

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