2.2 Effectiveness Of School Counselling In Schools

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2.2 The concept of effectiveness 2.2.1 Definition The online business directory, clearly demarcating the difference between effectiveness and efficiency, defines the former as “the degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are solved. In contrast to efficiency, effectiveness is determined without reference to costs and, whereas efficiency means "doing the thing right," effectiveness means "doing the right thing.” In a similar vein, the oxford online dictionary, adding some elements of success and desirability of end results, defines effectiveness as “the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result; success.” By interposing the above two definitions and by applying the notions …show more content…

Various components influencing effectiveness of counselling emerged, namely, policy and mission statements, planning services, needs assessment services; responsive services, peer counselling and services evaluation. It is to be noted that these components are similar to those in countries like Malawi, Botswana, Zambia, Canada, America, South Africa, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Uganda Scotland, China and …show more content…

Planning for school counselling offers an important framework for delivery of the services. ‘Successful planning in SGC services ensures a structured response to students’ personal, social, educational and career guidance needs.’ (Chireshe, 2006). The layout of planning includes items such as individual counselling, orientation programmes, sessions with students, guidance and counselling sessions, meetings with parents, administration and other stakeholders. School counselling planning, is carried out at the beginning of the year. This can be observed in American schools as well as schools in Ireland (Reynolds & Cheek 2002; NCGE 2003). Lairio & Nissila (2002) argued that planning enables to identify the audience of the services, method to be used, goals of the services, implementation of the programme, the responsibilities of each and every stakeholders involved and finally how to evaluate the

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