Advantages Of Studying Abroad

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Making the decision of which college to attend is difficult enough. Students are then faced with the extraordinary opportunity to continue their studies in a foreign country. Should they take advantage of this option? This commitment should be met with critical thinking that consists of weighing all options. Students are also hung upon the pressure to impress graduate and potential employers. The appearance of a study abroad experience on an application may set one student apart from another, creating a more wholesome candidate. Ultimately, studying abroad is an integral addition to the college experience. One advantage of pursuing an education abroad is the development to cultural sensitivity and appreciation. When students visit countries …show more content…

When students study abroad, they do not have to go to a country that is thousands of miles away and has a high cost of living. A version of a study abroad can be done in the same country. It is just important to go somewhere where you have not gone before. This is a concept that many overlook and ultimately turn down because of its cost. Additionally, each university will be more than happy to help their students afford studying abroad. Colleges are committed to cost parity, meaning that the student’s time abroad should cost the same as the time at the college (at least for tuition and boarding). There are also various scholarships and financial assistance provided by the university that can aid in the payment of these trips. Each study abroad experience is different and some may vary in cost. Some experiences in third world countries can be less expensive than paying for tuition at the university. It conclusively depends on where the student goes and how he or she decides to make use of the time there. The benefits of spending time abroad studying comes at a price that can be measured in both money and experience. So while it might seem like a huge financial burden, many lessons can be taken from the experience. Students can learn about multiculturalism and can even learn a new language; the world is being fueled by these two things. When people do not study abroad, they will less likely

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